IT BEGINS: Democrat Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon Pushes Bill to Pack the U.S. Supreme Court

by Mike LaChance

Democrat Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon has introduced legislation to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. His bill would add six judges to the court over the course of a few years.

Wyden claims his bill is necessary to fix the supposedly tarnished image of the court. He fails to mention that it is the Democrats who have done everything they can in recent years to smear the court and all of the conservative justices.

This has nothing to do with fixing the court’s image, it’s about fixing the politics of the court to favor the progressive left.

The Washington Post clearly thinks this is a very reasonable idea:

Sweeping bill to overhaul Supreme Court would add six justices

A sweeping bill introduced by a Democratic senator Wednesday would greatly increase the size of the Supreme Court, make it harder for the justices to overturn laws, require justices to undergo audits and remove roadblocks for high court nominations.

The legislation by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is one of the most ambitious proposals to remake a high court that has suffered a sharp decline in its public approval after a string of contentious decisions and ethics scandals in recent years. It has little chance of passing at the moment, since Republicans have generally opposed efforts to overhaul the court.

Wyden, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, said the goal of the bill is to restore public confidence in a battered institution. He said he hopes to get parts of the bill passed, even if the whole package is not embraced by lawmakers…

The bill’s most significant measure would increase the number of justices from nine to 15 over the course of 12 years. The staggered format over two or three administrations is aimed at diminishing the chance that one political party would pack the courts with its nominees.

In the tweet below, Carrie Severino of Judicial Network outlines the worst parts of the bill:

With 40 days until Election Day, Democrats just rolled out the most radical and dangerous legislation to date aimed at destroying the Supreme Court as we know it.

The new radical bill put forward by Senate Democrats is the worst attack on the Court since FDR. It will:

– Pack the Supreme Court with 6 more justices.

– Harass the justices with mandatory yearly IRS audits.

– Require a ruling by two-thirds of the Supreme Court and the circuit courts of appeals to overturn a law passed by Congress rather than a simple Court majority.

– Expand the number of federal judicial circuits from 13 to 15 — adding more than 100 district court judges and more than 60 appellate-level judges — so Democrats can stack the federal bench with more unfit radicals.

Democrats despise the U.S. Supreme Court because they don’t control it. If Hillary Clinton had won in 2016 and appointed three left wing judges, there would be no complaints from them about the court.

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