Abbott Busing illegal immigrants to DC sends Dems a message
By Peter Lucas
You want to empty Washington of Democrats?
Keep busing thousands of illegal immigrants from the Rio Grande to the Potomac.
It is Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s answer to Joe Biden’s wrecking Texas border towns — along with the country — by waving in more hordes of illegal immigrants as well as the things they carry.
Democrats love illegal immigrants. They just don’t want them in their town, and Washington, D.C., is their town.
As the Texas busloads of immigrants roll in, politicians will leave town faster than they did when the British burned the place down during the War of 1812. The Brits even torched the U.S. Capitol and the White House, called the President’s House back then.
No sooner had all the members of Congress headed for the woods, than the Redcoats stacked furniture outside the chambers of both the House and Senate and set both places ablaze.
While British troops did not exactly stand around shouting, “Burn, baby, burn,” torching the town was payback for losing the Revolutionary War 30 years earlier.
The action was similar to the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, only on steroids. Had there been any Capitol cops around back then, they would have fled also.
Things got so bad that President James Madison asked, “What would George do?” — meaning George Washington, the first president, not King George.
When he had no answer, he left town too, leaving his wife, Dolly, behind.
She at least stuck around long enough to rescue a portrait of Washington. Then she fled too.
It was the only time in U.S. history that a foreign power captured and occupied Washington — until now that is. Yet it would be wrong to say that the thousands of illegal immigrants that overburdened Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is busing to Washington represent a foreign power.
The hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants crashing into the country over the wide-open southern border represent not one, but many foreign powers.
Pick any country from A to Z — or from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe — and you will find them well represented among the illegal immigrants crossing the Rio Grande.
And it will only get worse when at the end of May the hapless and hopeless Joe Biden eliminates the Title 42 expulsion provision. This is the provision that allows for the denial of entry into the U.S. if migrants are suspected of carrying a communicable disease, like COVID.
Elimination of the last barrier of immigration control will not only open the floodgates for more illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. through Texas but will do away with the floodgates as well.
Since President Biden created the immigration disaster, Biden should solve it, according to Abbott. Which is why he is busing immigrants who volunteer to be bused to the Capitol.
But don’t expect any Democrats to greet them when they arrive. Phonies like Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Ayanna Pressley only expressed horror over immigration policy when Donald Trump was president.
The same is true for Nancy Pelosi stooges U.S. Reps. Steve Lynch of South Boston and Lori Trahan of Westford. Both recently returned from a visit to the Polish side of the Ukraine border but have yet to show up at the border with Mexico.
But you can’t blame them. Joe Biden has not visited the southern border either.
Read More From ForAFreeAmerica
Biden is no Boris Johnson of the U.K., who last weekend made a quick visit to Kiev to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It is something Biden should have done.
You can’t expect Biden to go to Kyiv when he won’t even go to El Paso.
Peter Lucas is a veteran Massachusetts political reporter and columnist.
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