More believe in cheating in 2020 election, hit ‘Zuckerbucks’
by Paul Bedard,
Angered by growing reports that Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg steered vote-generating donations to pro-Biden counties, more voters believe that cheating occurred in the 2020 elections.
Shoving aside repeated liberal media dismissals of cheating claims, those who believe it occurred increased from 56% in October to 59% in the latest Rasmussen Reports poll previewed for Secrets.
Asked “How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election?” just 36% said unlikely. What’s more, the largest group, at 40%, said that cheating was “very likely.”
Former President Donald Trump has suggested he was cheated. The media, Democrats, and President Joe Biden have dismissed those claims.
Several states have investigated reports of voting fraud, but there hasn’t been enough found to change the election results. However, many conservatives said that voting rules changed due to the coronavirus helped Biden and that some of those changes were not properly approved by state legislatures as required.
Others have cited donations by wealthy elites such as Zuckerberg to Democratic areas to boost voting.
Secrets reported earlier this week that funding data uncovered by New York Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney, co-chairwoman of the House Election Integrity Caucus, showed the legal spending by the Zuckerberg-backed Center for Tech and Civic Life spent $144 million in 2020 — $130 million to Democratic counties and just $14 million to GOP counties.
“We know the group gave overwhelmingly to Democrat-leaning counties to drive up voter turnout there. This provided Democrats with a clear advantage over Republicans, and now we have the evidence to show the extent of this partisan exercise,” she said.
The Rasmussen poll found that a majority of Americans are following the so-called “Zuckerbucks” affair. In the survey, 70% called the spending by Zuckerberg “a bad thing.”
And they also dismissed the do-gooder philanthropy in his move. By a margin of 65%-32%, voters said it is more important to stop election cheating than to make voting easier.
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