Majority oppose BBB, calling it ‘bad for the economy’
Paul Bedard
President Joe Biden’s $2 trillion Build Back Better spending plan does not enjoy majority support among likely voters who appear concerned the package of cash for everything from climate change to illegal immigrants will worsen the economy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports survey is bad news for Biden’s agenda-setting program, as it faces a tough vote in the evenly split Senate after receiving an only-Democrat win in the House.
It is likely to force Biden out of the White House in an all-out campaign to pitch his tax and spend agenda outside of Washington, something he has appeared to avoid, with the exception of a few trips to speak before friendly audiences.
Rasmussen’s survey of likely voters found them split over BBB, with 51% opposed compared to 42% in support. Of those opposed, a sizable 40% said they were “strongly” opposed.
Republicans displayed stronger opposition (76%) than Democrats’ support (69%). Additionally, 54% of independents said they are opposed to BBB.
The survey suggested the reason for the majority opposition to Biden’s plan is the hit it could put on the economy.
Asked if passage would be good or bad for the economy, 48% said “bad” compared to 35% who said “good.” As with the support question, Biden has lost independent voters, 52% to 27%.
Standing in the way of a Democratic-only victory in the Senate has been West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who is negotiating a lower price. Also, Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has been pushing for lower taxes.
Rasmussen took note of the funding for illegal immigrants in BBB, which is opposed by West Virginia voters.
“West Virginia voters overwhelmingly oppose an amnesty provision for illegal immigrants in the ‘Build Back Better’ legislation, bolstering Democratic Sen. Joe Machin’s opposition to the measure,” said the analysis.
Too bad Democrats don’t listen to the people.